Dynamic array instance using New in Pas2JS


Example code : Dynamic array instance using New in Pas2JS

// Defining an array


  a, b : array of Integer;



// Instantiate an array

  a := new Integer[5];

  b := a;

  a[1] := 10;

  WriteLn( b[1] );  // 10




  a[1] := 20;

  WriteLn( b[1] );  // 20

Result is: 10 and 20



In other words, in Pas2JS, if you want a new dynamic array instance, you use "new", if want to make a copy of a dynamic array, you have to use Copy() method, if you want to resize, you use SetLength() method. See the similar example at Copy() method.


JS output:

      var a$54 = [];

      var b$18 = [];

      var i$5 = 0;

      a$54 = [0,0,0,0,0];

      b$18 = a$54;








function $DIdxW(a,i,v,z) {

   if (i<0) throw Exception.Create($New(Exception),"Lower bound exceeded! Index "+i.toString()+z);

   if (i>a.length) throw Exception.Create($New(Exception),"Upper bound exceeded! Index "+i.toString()+z);




function $DIdxR(a,i,z) {

   if (i<0) throw Exception.Create($New(Exception),"Lower bound exceeded! Index "+i.toString()+z);

   if (i>a.length) throw Exception.Create($New(Exception),"Upper bound exceeded! Index "+i.toString()+z);

   return a[i];



function $ArraySetLen(a,n,v) {

   var o=a.length;

   if (o==n) return;

   if (o>n) a.length=n; else for (;o<n;o++) a.push(v);
