The Record keyword is one of the most useful, and distinguishing features of Delphi (and the Pascal language). It provides a means of collecting together a set of different data types into one named structure. Each field in the structure is referenced in the manner record.field.
Create simple javascript object with Records
{ "test" : { "somevalue" : 12 }, "text" : "this is a string value" }
Example code parsing a JSON object to a Variant
{ "RowID" : 10, "FirstName" : "abc", "LastName" : "def", "YearOfBirth" : 20, "YearOfDeath" : 30, "Sexe" : 1, "Simple" : { "F" : "", "G" : [], "H" : { "H1" : 0, "H2" : "", "H3" : { "H3a" : false, "H3b" : null } }, "I" : "", "J" : [{ "J1" : 1, "J2" : "", "J3" : "reLast" } ] } }
Example code creating a JSON object with Records
{ "F" : "warleyalex", "G$3" : ["Delphi", "Java", "C++"], "H$1" : { "H1" : 123, "H2" : "Jesus Cristo", "H3" : { "H3a" : true, "H3b" : "Smart Mobile Studio" } }, "I" : 41864.09710032407, "J" : [] }
Array of Records in Pas2JS
In practice, records are often more complex. Additionally, we may also have a lot of them, and might store them in an array. Since a record type is legitimate as any other Pas2JS type, we can have a field of a record be a record itself. Here are some examples using Records in Pas2JS.
Using Records in Pas2JSOnce that code is obfuscated, record fields when serialized, becomes giberrish which is a bit of a problem if you store it in local storage and then update the app (field names will change). There's a little black magic:
TMyRecord = Record
mrMagic: Integer; //Magic word to check
mrData: Array of String; // your string data
TMyRecord = Record
property mrMagic: Integer; //Magic word to check
property mrData: Array of String; // your string data