Boolean with logic operators ( and | or | xor | not )

Boolean with ( and | or | xor | not )
Pas2JS pascal source code
var i, j: Integer; BEGIN { BASIC LOGIC OPERATIONS } for i:=0 to 1 do begin for j:=0 to 1 do begin WriteLn('>> i='+IntToStr(i)+', j='+IntToStr(j)); if (i=0) and (j=0) then WriteLn('=0 and'); if (i=0) or (j=0) then WriteLn('=0 or'); if (i=0) xor (j=0) then WriteLn('=0 xor'); if (i<>0) and (j<>0) then WriteLn('<>0 and'); if (i<>0) or (j<>0) then WriteLn('<>0 or'); if (i<>0) xor (j<>0) then WriteLn('<>0 xor'); if not((i=0) and (j=0)) then WriteLn('not =0 and'); if not((i=0) or (j=0)) then WriteLn('not =0 or'); if not((i=0) xor (j=0)) then WriteLn('not =0 xor'); if not((i<>0) and (j<>0)) then WriteLn('not <>0 and'); if not((i<>0) or (j<>0)) then WriteLn('not <>0 or'); if not((i<>0) xor (j<>0)) then WriteLn('not <>0 xor'); end; end; { CONSOLE OUTPUTS >> i=0, j=0 =0 and =0 or not =0 xor not <>0 and not <>0 or not <>0 xor >> i=0, j=1 =0 or =0 xor <>0 or <>0 xor not =0 and not <>0 and >> i=1, j=0 =0 or =0 xor <>0 or <>0 xor not =0 and not <>0 and >> i=1, j=1 <>0 and <>0 or not =0 and not =0 or not =0 xor not <>0 xor }