TDateTime = Float;
Real = Float;
Double = Float;
Extended = Float;
TColor = Integer;
THandle = Variant;
TObjArray = array of TObject;
TIntArray = array of Integer;
TStrArray = array of String;
TFloatArray = array of Float;
TPoint = record
X: Integer;
Y: Integer;
class const NullPoint: TPoint = (X:0; Y:0);
class function Create(const aCol, aRow: Integer): TPoint; static;
function AngleTo(const aPoint: TPoint): Float;
function Compare(const aPoint: TPoint): Boolean;
function Displace(radius: Float; angle: Float): TPoint;
function Distance(const aPoint: TPoint): Float;
function Expand(const b: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
function Expand(const b: Float): TPoint; overload;
function Offset(const b: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
function Offset(const b: Integer): TPoint; overload;
function ToString: String;
TPointArray = array of TPoint;
function OffsetPoint(const a, b: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
function OffsetPoint(const a: TPoint; b: Integer): TPoint; overload;
function MinusPoint(const a, b: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
function MinusPoint(const a: TPoint; b: Integer): TPoint; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPoint; b: TPoint): TPoint; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPoint; b: Float): TPoint; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPoint; b: Integer): TPoint; overload;
TPointF = record
X: Float;
Y: Float;
class const NullPoint: TPointF = (X:0; Y:0);
class function Create(const aCol, aRow: Float): TPointF; static;
function AngleTo(const aPoint: TPointF): Float;
function Compare(const aPoint: TPointF): Boolean;
function Displace(radius: Float; angle: Float): TPointF;
function Distance(const aPoint: TPointF): Float;
function Expand(const b: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
function Expand(const b: Float): TPointF; overload;
function Offset(const b: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
function Offset(const b: Float): TPointF; overload;
function ToString: String;
TPointArrayF = array of TPointF;
function OffsetPoint(const a, b: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
function OffsetPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Float): TPointF; overload;
function OffsetPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Integer): TPointF; overload;
function MinusPoint(const a, b: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
function MinusPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Float): TPointF; overload;
function MinusPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Integer): TPointF; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPointF; b: TPointF): TPointF; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Float): TPointF; overload;
function ExpandPoint(const a: TPointF; b: Integer): TPointF; overload;
TRect = record
Left: Integer;
Top: Integer;
Right: Integer;
Bottom: Integer;
function Width: Integer;
function Height: Integer;
function ToString: String;
function TopLeft: TPoint;
function BottomRight: TPoint;
function CenterPoint: TPoint;
function Clip(const RectToClip: TRect): TRect;
function Empty: Boolean;
function Compare(const aRect: TRect): Boolean;
function ContainsRow(const aRow: Integer): Boolean;
function ContainsCol(const aCol: Integer): Boolean;
function ContainsRect(const aRect: TRect): Boolean;
function ContainsPos(const aLeft, aTop: Integer): Boolean;
function ContainsPoint(const aPoint: TPoint): Boolean;
function Extend(x, y : Integer): Boolean; overload;
function Extend(const aPoint: TPoint): Boolean; overload;
function Intersect(const aRect: TRect; var intersection: TRect): Boolean;
function Expose(const aChildRect: TRect): TExposure;
function FitWithin(const aChildRect: TRect): TRect;
procedure Move(const aCol, aRow: Integer; const Center: Boolean);
procedure MoveBy(dX, dY: Integer);
procedure SetBounds(aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Integer);
function ToPolygon: TPointArray;
class const NullRect: TRect = (Left: 0; Top: 0; Right: 0; Bottom: 0);
class function CreateSized(const aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight: Integer): TRect; overload;
class function CreateSized(const aWidth, aHeight: Integer): TRect; overload;
class function Create(const aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Integer): TRect; overload;
class function Create(const topLeft, bottomRight: TPoint): TRect; overload;
TRectF = record
Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Float;
function Width: Float;
function Height: Float;
function ToString: String;
function TopLeft: TPointF;
function BottomRight: TPointF;
function CenterPoint: TPointF;
function Clip(const RectToClip: TRectF): TRectF;
function Empty: Boolean;
function Compare(const aRect: TRectF): Boolean;
function ContainsRow(const aRow: Float): Boolean;
function ContainsCol(const aCol: Float): Boolean;
function ContainsRect(const aRect: TRectF): Boolean;
function ContainsPos(const aLeft, aTop: Float): Boolean;
function ContainsPoint(const aPoint: TPointF): Boolean;
function Intersect(const aRect: TRectF; var intersection: TRectF): Boolean;
function Extend(const aPoint: TPointF) : Boolean; overload;
function Extend(x, y: Float): Boolean; overload;
function Expose(const aChildRect: TRectF): TExposure;
function FitWithin(const aChildRect: TRectF): TRectF;
procedure Move(const aCol, aRow: Float; const Center: Boolean);
procedure MoveBy(x, y: Float);
procedure SetBounds(aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Float);
function ToPolygon: TPointArrayF;
class const NullRect: TRectF = (Left: 0; Top: 0; Right: 0; Bottom: 0);
class function CreateSized(const aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight: Float): TRectF; overload;
class function CreateSized(const aWidth, aHeight: Float): TRectF; overload;
class function Create(const aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Float): TRectF; overload;
class function Create(const topLeft, bottomRight: TPointF): TRectF; overload;
class function CreateBounded(x1, y1, x2, y2: Float): TRectF;
TInteger = class
class function ToPxStr(const aValue: Integer): String; static;
class function ToHex(const aValue: Integer): String; static; deprecated "Use .ToHex";
class procedure Swap(var Primary, Secondary: Integer); static;
class function Sum(const anArray: TIntArray): Integer; static;
class function Average(const anArray: TIntArray): Float; static;
class function PercentOfValue(const Value, Total: Integer): Integer; static;
class function Middle(const Primary, Secondary: Integer): Integer; static;
class function Sign(const Value: Integer): Integer; deprecated;
class function Diff(const Primary, Secondary: Integer): Integer; static;
class function ToNearestSigned(const Value, Factor: Integer): Integer; static;
class function ToNearest(const Value, Factor: Integer): Integer; static;
class function Largest(const Primary, Secondary: Integer): Integer; overload;
class function Largest(const anArray: TIntArray): Integer; overload;
class function Smallest(const Primary, Secondary: Integer): Integer; overload;
class function Smallest(const anArray: TIntArray): Integer; overload;
class function WrapRange(const aValue, aLowRange, aHighRange: Integer): Integer; static;
class procedure Sort(var Domain: TIntArray); deprecated "Use .Sort";
class function EnsureRange(const aValue, aMin, aMax: Integer): Integer; static;
class procedure SetBit(index: Integer; aValue: Boolean; var buffer: Integer); static;
class function GetBit(index: Integer; const buffer: Integer): Boolean; static;
TFloat = class
class function PercentOfValue(const Value: Double; Total: Double): Double; static;
TVariant = class
class function AsInteger(const aValue: Variant): Integer; static;
class function AsString(const aValue: Variant): String; static;
class function AsFloat(const aValue: Variant): Float; static;
class function AsObject(const aValue: Variant): TObject; static;
class function AsBool(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsNull(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsString(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsNumber(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsInteger(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsBool(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function IsNAN(const aValue: Variant): Boolean; static;
class function Properties(const aValue: Variant): TStrArray; static;
class function OwnProperties(const aValue: Variant): TStrArray; static;
class function CreateObject: Variant; static;
class function CreateArray: Variant; static;
{ Variant management }
function VarIsValidRef(const aRef: Variant): Boolean;
function ObjToVariant(value: TObject): Variant;
function VariantToObj(const Value: Variant): TObject;
function VariantExtend(const target, prop: Variant) : Variant; overload;
function VariantExtend(target: JObject; const prop: Variant): JObject; overload;