TObject |
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In traditional Object Pascal all classes inherit from a root type called TObject. This was also the case for Delphi Web Script, from which Smart Pascal evolved. In order to better be able to import classes written in Javascript - which is extremely important with regards to having full support for the DOM (document object model) and the full spectrum of JavaScript modules - dependency on TObject as the root of all class types had to be altered. See for instance, TVariant in the example bellow:
True object inheritance JavaScript does not support true OOP in the ordinary sense of the word, which makes it exceedingly difficult for classical web-designers to create reusable components or manage large scale projects. But Smart delivers full OOP running under JavaScript!. Our compiler technology generates a real-life VMT (virtual method table) in JavaScript, which means that you can write objects and inherit from them just like you do in Delphi. This gives you a tremendous advantage over classical web developers that must rely on a wide scope of JavaScript libraries, libraries that rarely co-exist without causing browser instabilities. With Smart this is not the case � here you can enjoy the same freedom of rapid, object oriented software architecture as you would under Delphi or Visual Studio.