Description |
The LongDayNames variable provides an array of full string names of the days of the week.
Since it is an array, you can update the default values (set by the Windows locale), but this is not advised.
Notes |
Warning : these values use Sunday as the starting value. This is not ISO 8601 compliant. Use with DayOfWeek, which also treats Sunday as the first day of the week.
You are advised to use DayOfTheWeek, which is ISO 8601 compliant, using Monday as the start of the week.
Related commands |
LongMonthNames |
An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January |
ShortDayNames |
An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday |
ShortMonthNames |
An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = Jan |
Example code : Show the day of the week for Christmas 2002 |
myDate : TDateTime;
day : string;
myDate := EncodeDate(2002, 12, 31);
day := LongDayNames[DayOfWeek(myDate)];
WriteLn('Christmas day 2002 is on a '+day);
Show full unit code |
Christmas day 2002 is on a Tuesday